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Hatesphere - Hate tab

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Intro: C  G  C (2X)

C                      F               G 
I hate waking �cause I find you�re not there
       C                       F          G
I hate thinkin� �bout thoughts leadind nowhere
       C                             C7
I hate breathing, it means that I�m alive   
       F                        Bb7
I hate tears cause they fill my eyes 
       C                  F            G     C    G  C
I hate love �cause you�re not here for me to love

I hate listening to the ring of the phone
I hate parties cause I can�t go alone
I hate talking I can�t talk to you
I hate walkin� I can�t walk with you
I hate love �cause you�re not here for me to love
[ Tab from: ]
F				G  C
If you would come back, my love
           F                 G  C 
I wouldn�t have all this hurt
           F            G  C 
I�d be the happiest man
G#                C      C#  G# C#
Down here on this earth

C#                       F#             G#
I hate the things that I can�t do with you
       C#                F#         G#
I hate dreams cause they never come true
C#                      C#7
I even hate singin� the song
            F#                     B7     
Cause to me it seems right, yet is wrong
       C#                 F#          G#     C#
I hate love �cause you�re not here for me to love

Chorus + Verse 3

I hate waking, I hate thinkin� �bout you
I hate things cause they never come true...

by: Jos� Duarte
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