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Gerry And The Pacemakers - Ferry Cross The Mersey chords

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I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe
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Ferry Across The Mersey - Gerry And The Pacemakers.

Gerry plays this in the key of  “ E ”

Verse 1
D     Am     D       Am        D    Am  D  Am
Life         goes on day after day.
D        Am    D         Am     D     Am  D  Am
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   D               F#m
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           Em                  A
cause this land's the place I love,
              D      Am  D  Am 
And here I'll stay.

Verse 2
D     Am     D            Am        D        Am  D  Am
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
D      Am     D          Am         D     Am  D  Am
Each         with their own secret care.
   D                F#m
So ferry across the Mersey,
    Em              A                 D
and always take me there, the place I love.

Em      A           D
People around every corner.
Em           A         D
They seem to smile and say..
Em        A               F#m
'We don't care what your name is boy,
E7                    A
we'll never turn you away.'

Verse 3

D      Am    D       Am       D   Am D Am
So           I'll continue to say,
D      Am      D   Am            D      Am  D  Am
Here           I   always will stay.
   D                F#m
So ferry across the Mersey.
           Em                  A
cause this land's the place I love
              D     Am    D   Am         D       Am  D 
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Am        D
here I'll stay.


Verse 1
C     Gm     C       Gm        C    Gm  C  Gm
Life         goes on day after day.
C        Gm    C         Gm     C     Gm  C  Gm
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   C               Em
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           Dm                  G
cause this land's the place I love,
              C     Gm C Gm
and here I'll stay.

Verse 2

C     Gm     C            Gm        C        Gm  C  Gm
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
C      Gm     C          Gm         C     Gm  C  Gm
Each         with their own secret care.
   C                Em
So ferry across the Mersey,
    Dm              G                 C
and always take me there, the place I love.

Dm      G           C
People around every corner.
Dm           G         C
They seem to smile and say..
Dm        G               Em
'We don't care what your name is boy,
D7                    G
we'll never turn you away.'

Verse 3

C      Gm    C       Gm       C   Gm C Gm
So           I'll continue to say,
C      Gm      C   Gm            C      Gm  C  Gm
Here           I   always will stay.
   C                Em
So ferry across the Mersey.
           Dm                  G
cause this land's the place I love
              C     Gm    C   Gm         C       Gm  C
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Gm        C
here I'll stay.


Verse 1
E     Bm     E       Bm        E    Bm  E  Bm
Life         goes on day after day.
E        Bm    E         Bm     E     Bm  E  Bm
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   E               G#m
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           F#m                 B
cause this land's the place I love,
              E     Bm E Bm
and here I'll stay.

Verse 2
[ Tab from: ]
E     Bm     E            Bm        E        Bm  E  Bm
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
E      Bm     E          Bm         E     Bm  E  Bm
Each         with their own secret care.
   E                G#m
So ferry across the Mersey,
    F#m             B                 E
and always take me there, the place I love.

F#m     B           E
People around every corner.
F#m          B         E
They seem to smile and say..
F#m       B               G#m
'We don't care what your name is boy,
F#7                   B
we'll never turn you away.'

Verse 3

E      Bm    E       Bm       E   Bm E Bm
So           I'll continue to say,
E      Bm      E   Bm            E      Bm  E  Bm
Here           I   always will stay.
   E                G#m
So ferry across the Mersey.
           F#m                 B
cause this land's the place I love
              E     Bm    E   Bm         E       Bm  E
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Bm        E
here I'll stay.


Verse 1
F     Cm     F       Cm        F    Cm  F  Cm
Life         goes on day after day.
F        Cm    F         Cm     F     Cm  F  Cm
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   F               Am
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           Gm                  C
cause this land's the place I love,
              F     Cm F Cm
and here I'll stay.

Verse 2

F     Cm     F            Cm        F        Cm  F  Cm
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
F      Cm     F          Cm         F     Cm  F  Cm
Each         with their own secret care.
   F                Am
So ferry across the Mersey,
    Gm              C                 F
and always take me there, the place I love.

Gm      C           F
People around every corner.
Gm           C         F
They seem to smile and say..
Gm        C               Am
'We don't care what your name is boy,
G7                    C
we'll never turn you away.'

Verse 3

F      Cm    F       Cm       F   Cm F Cm
So           I'll continue to say,
F      Cm      F   Cm            F      Cm  F  Cm
Here           I   always will stay.
   F                Am
So ferry across the Mersey.
           Gm                  C
cause this land's the place I love
              F     Cm    F   Cm         F       Cm  F
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Cm        F
here I'll stay.


Verse 1
G     Dm     G       Dm        G    Dm  G  Dm
Life         goes on day after day.
G        Dm    G         Dm     G     Dm  G  Dm
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   G               Bm
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           Am                  D
cause this land's the place I love,
              G     Dm G Dm
and here I'll stay.

Verse 2

G     Dm     G            Dm        G        Dm  G  Dm
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
G      Dm     G          Dm         G     Dm  G  Dm
Each         with their own secret care.
   G                Bm
So ferry across the Mersey,
    Am              D                 G
and always take me there, the place I love.

Am      D           G
People around every corner.
Am           D         G
They seem to smile and say..
Am        D               Bm
'We don't care what your name is boy,
A7                    D
we'll never turn you away.'

Verse 3

G      Dm    G       Dm       G   Dm G Dm
So           I'll continue to say,
G      Dm      G   Dm            G      Dm  G  Dm
Here           I   always will stay.
   G                Bm
So ferry across the Mersey.
           Am                  D
cause this land's the place I love
              G     Dm    G   Dm         G       Dm  G
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Dm        G
here I'll stay.


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