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Please take the time to rate my tab above, Thankyou THIS SONG HAS BEEN TRANSPOSED INTO MANY KEYS AS LISTED BELOW I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:- g.smythe@sky.com ______________________________________________________________________________ I LIKE IT - GERRY & THE PACEMAKERS ______________________________________________________________________________ Gerry sings this in the key of “ G “ ______________________________________________________________________________ Verse 1 G Bm Am D7 I like it, I like it G Em I like the way you run your fingers through my hair, C And I like the way you tickle my chin C D G D7 And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there Verse 2 G Bm Am D7 I like it, I like it G Em I like the words you say and all the things you do, C And I like the way you straighten my tie D And I like the way you’re winking your eye G C D G C G G7 And I know I like you, you know I like you. Chorus C G Do that a - gain, C G You’re driving me insane C G Kiss me once more Am D Am D That’s an – other thing I like you for Verse 3 G Bm Am D7 I like it, I like it G Em I like the funny feeling being here with you C And I like you more with every day, C And I like it always hearing you say, D G D7 G G7 You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too Chorus C G I’m asking you, C G What do you wanna do C G Do you a - gree Am D Am D That the world was made for you and me Verse 4 G Bm Am D7 I like it, I like it G Em I like the funny feeling being here with you C And I like it more with every day C And I like it always hearing you say, D G D7 C G You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too D G Bm C D G C G Whoa, I like it, are you liking it too XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 A C#m Bm E7 I like it, I like it A F#m I like the way you run your fingers through my hair, D And I like the way you tickle my chin D E A E7 And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there Verse 2 A C#m Bm E7 I like it, I like it A F#m I like the words you say and all the things you do, D And I like the way you straighten my tie E And I like the way you’re winking your eye A D E A D A A7 And I know I like you, you know I like you. Chorus D A Do that a - gain, D A You’re driving me insane D A Kiss me once more Bm E Bm E That’s an – other thing I like you for Verse 3 A C#m Bm E7 I like it, I like it A F#m I like the funny feeling being here with you D And I like you more with every day, D And I like it always hearing you say, E A E7 A A7 You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too Chorus D A I’m asking you, D A What do you wanna do D A Do you a - gree Bm E Bm E That the world was made for you and me Verse 4 A C#m Bm E7 I like it, I like it A F#m I like the funny feeling being here with you D And I like it more with every day D And I like it always hearing you say, E A E7 D A You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too E A C#m D E A D A Whoa, I like it, are you liking it too XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 C Em Dm G7 I like it, I like it C Am I like the way you run your fingers through my hair, F And I like the way you tickle my chin F G C G7 And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there Verse 2 C Em Dm G7 I like it, I like it C Am I like the words you say and all the things you do, F And I like the way you straighten my tie G And I like the way you’re winking your eye C F G C F C C7 And I know I like you, you know I like you. Chorus F C Do that a - gain, F C You’re driving me insane F C Kiss me once more Dm G Dm G That’s an – other thing I like you for Verse 3 C Em Dm G7 I like it, I like it C Am I like the funny feeling being here with you F And I like you more with every day, F And I like it always hearing you say, G C G7 C C7 You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too Chorus F C I’m asking you, F C What do you wanna do F C Do you a - gree Dm G Dm G That the world was made for you and me Verse 4 [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/g/gerry-and-the-pacemakers/342043.html ] C Em Dm G7 I like it, I like it C Am I like the funny feeling being here with you F And I like it more with every day F And I like it always hearing you say, G C G7 F C You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too G C Em F G C F C Whoa, I like it, are you liking it too XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 D F#m Em A7 I like it, I like it D Bm I like the way you run your fingers through my hair, G And I like the way you tickle my chin G A D A7 And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there Verse 2 D F#m Em A7 I like it, I like it D Bm I like the words you say and all the things you do, G And I like the way you straighten my tie A And I like the way you’re winking your eye D G A D G D D7 And I know I like you, you know I like you. Chorus G D Do that a - gain, G D You’re driving me insane G D Kiss me once more Em A Em A That’s an – other thing I like you for Verse 3 D F#m Em A7 I like it, I like it D Bm I like the funny feeling being here with you G And I like you more with every day, G And I like it always hearing you say, A D A7 D D7 You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too Chorus G D I’m asking you, G D What do you wanna do G D Do you a - gree Em A Em A That the world was made for you and me Verse 4 D F#m Em A7 I like it, I like it D Bm I like the funny feeling being here with you G And I like it more with every day G And I like it always hearing you say, A D A7 G D You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too A D F#m G A D G D Whoa, I like it, are you liking it too XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 E G#m F#m B7 I like it, I like it E C#m I like the way you run your fingers through my hair, A And I like the way you tickle my chin A B E B7 And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there Verse 2 E G#m F#m B7 I like it, I like it E C#m I like the words you say and all the things you do, A And I like the way you straighten my tie B And I like the way you’re winking your eye E A B E A E E7 And I know I like you, you know I like you. Chorus A E Do that a - gain, A E You’re driving me insane A E Kiss me once more F#m B F#m B That’s an – other thing I like you for Verse 3 E G#m F#m B7 I like it, I like it E C#m I like the funny feeling being here with you A And I like you more with every day, A And I like it always hearing you say, B E B7 E E7 You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too Chorus A E I’m asking you, A E What do you wanna do A E Do you a - gree F#m B F#m B That the world was made for you and me Verse 4 E G#m F#m B7 I like it, I like it E C#m I like the funny feeling being here with you A And I like it more with every day A And I like it always hearing you say, B E B7 A E You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too B E G#m A B E A E Whoa, I like it, are you liking it too XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 F Am Gm C7 I like it, I like it F Dm I like the way you run your fingers through my hair, Bb And I like the way you tickle my chin Bb C F C7 And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there Verse 2 F Am Gm C7 I like it, I like it F Dm I like the words you say and all the things you do, Bb And I like the way you straighten my tie C And I like the way you’re winking your eye F Bb C F Bb F F7 And I know I like you, you know I like you. Chorus Bb F Do that a - gain, Bb F You’re driving me insane Bb F Kiss me once more Gm C Gm C That’s an – other thing I like you for Verse 3 F Am Gm C7 I like it, I like it F Dm I like the funny feeling being here with you Bb And I like you more with every day, Bb And I like it always hearing you say, C F C7 F F7 You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too Chorus Bb F I’m asking you, Bb F What do you wanna do Bb F Do you a - gree Gm C Gm C That the world was made for you and me Verse 4 F Am Gm C7 I like it, I like it F Dm I like the funny feeling being here with you Bb And I like it more with every day Bb And I like it always hearing you say, C F C7 Bb F You’re liking it too, you’re liking it too C F Am Bb C F Bb F Whoa, I like it, are you liking it too XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX