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George Formby - Leaning On A Lampost chords

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Hope  you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe
Please e - mail any corrections to:-

Leaning On A Lamp – post   George Formby


G7    C


    C            G7              Am7    C#dim       G7
I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think,   I look a tramp,
           C        Am7       D7       G7        C    Dm7  G7   
Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.
    C            G7                Am7    C#dim          G7
But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,
               C        Am       D7             G7   Dm7  G7
I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.

(Tempo Change)

Verse 1:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          G7                        C
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   G7         C  
Oh me,    oh my,   
  G               D7         G  G7
I hope the little lady comes by.
I don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,
    G7                        C
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   G7        C 
Oh me,    oh my,
  G               D7         G   G7
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 1:

        G7                    Dm7  G7             C                E7   Am
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  D7                                          G7                        Dm7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 1:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    G7                    C7  
And anyone can understand why,
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          C              G7          C
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Tempo change)

Verse 2:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          G7                        C
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   G7         C  
Oh me,    oh my,   
  G               D7         G7
I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....
I don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,
    G7                        C
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   G7        C 
Oh me,    oh my,
  G               D7         G 
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 2:

        G7                    Dm7  G7         C                     E7   Am
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  D7                                           G7                      Dm7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 2:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    G7                    C7  C+
And anyone can understand why,
    F                             D7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          C              G7          C
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Ukulele Solo)

Bridge 3:

        G7                    Dm7  G7        C                      E7   Am
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  D7                                         G7                        Dm7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 3:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    G7                    C7  C+
And anyone can understand why,
    F                             D7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          C              G7          C    G7  C
In case a certain little lady passes by.

A7    D


    D            A7              Bm7    D#dim       A7
I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think,   I look a tramp,
           D        Bm7       E7       A7        D    Em7  A7
Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.
    D            A7                Bm7    D#dim          A7
But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,
               D        Bm       E7             A7   Em7  A7
I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.

(Tempo Change)

Verse 1:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          A7                        D
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   A7         D
Oh me,    oh my,   
  A               E7         A  A7
I hope the little lady comes by.
I don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,
    A7                        D
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   A7        D
Oh me,    oh my,
  A               E7         A   A7
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 1:

        A7                    Em7  A7             D                F#7  Bm
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  E7                                          A7                        Em7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 1:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    A7                    D7
And anyone can understand why,
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          D              A7          D
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Tempo change)

Verse 2:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          A7                        D
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   A7         D
Oh me,    oh my,   
  A               E7         A7
I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....
I don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,
    A7                        D
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   A7        D
Oh me,    oh my,
  A               E7         A
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 2:

        A7                    Em7  A7         D                     F#7  Bm
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  E7                                           A7                      Em7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 2:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    A7                    D7  D+
And anyone can understand why,
    G                             E7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          D              A7          D
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Ukulele Solo)

Bridge 3:

        A7                    Em7  A7        D                      F#7  Bm
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  E7                                         A7                        Em7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 3:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    A7                    D7  D+
And anyone can understand why,
    G                             E7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          D              A7          D    A7  D
In case a certain little lady passes by.


B7    E


    E            B7              C#m7   Fdim        B7
I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think,   I look a tramp,
           E        C#m7      F#7      B7        E    F#m7 B7
Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.
    E            B7                C#m7   Fdim           B7
But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,
               E        C#m      F#7            B7   F#m7 B7
I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.

(Tempo Change)

Verse 1:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          B7                        E
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   B7         E
Oh me,    oh my,   
  B               F#7        B  B7
I hope the little lady comes by.
I don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,
    B7                        E
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   B7        E
Oh me,    oh my,
  B               F#7        B   B7
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 1:

        B7                    F#m7 B7             E                G#7  C#m
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  F#7                                         B7                        F#m7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 1:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    B7                    E7
And anyone can understand why,
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          E              B7          E
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Tempo change)

Verse 2:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          B7                        E
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   B7         E
Oh me,    oh my,   
  B               F#7        B7
I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....
I don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,
    B7                        E
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   B7        E
Oh me,    oh my,
  B               F#7        B
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 2:

        B7                    F#m7 B7         E                     G#7  C#m
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  F#7                                          B7                      F#m7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 2:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    B7                    E7  E+
And anyone can understand why,
    A                             F#7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          E              B7          E
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Ukulele Solo)

Bridge 3:

        B7                    F#m7 B7        E                      G#7  C#m
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  F#7                                        B7                        F#m7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 3:
[ Tab from: ]
Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    B7                    E7  E+
And anyone can understand why,
    A                             F#7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          E              B7          E    B7  E
In case a certain little lady passes by.

C7    F


    F            C7              Dm7    Gbdim       C7
I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think,   I look a tramp,
           F        Dm7       G7       C7        F    Gm7  C7
Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.
    F            C7                Dm7    Gbdim          C7
But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,
               F        Dm       G7             C7   Gm7  C7
I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.

(Tempo Change)

Verse 1:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          C7                        F
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   C7         F
Oh me,    oh my,   
  C               G7         C  C7
I hope the little lady comes by.
I don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,
    C7                        F
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   C7        F
Oh me,    oh my,
  C               G7         C   C7
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 1:

        C7                    Gm7  C7             F                A7   Dm
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  G7                                          C7                        Gm7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 1:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    C7                    F7
And anyone can understand why,
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          F              C7          F
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Tempo change)

Verse 2:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          C7                        F
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   C7         F
Oh me,    oh my,   
  C               G7         C7
I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....
I don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,
    C7                        F
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   C7        F
Oh me,    oh my,
  C               G7         C
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 2:

        C7                    Gm7  C7         F                     A7   Dm
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  G7                                           C7                      Gm7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 2:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    C7                    F7  F+
And anyone can understand why,
    Bb                            G7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          F              C7          F
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Ukulele Solo)

Bridge 3:

        C7                    Gm7  C7        F                      A7   Dm
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  G7                                         C7                        Gm7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 3:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    C7                    F7  F+
And anyone can understand why,
    Bb                            G7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          F              C7          F    C7  F
In case a certain little lady passes by.


D7    G


    G            D7              Em7    G#dim       D7
I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think,   I look a tramp,
           G        Em7       A7       D7        G    Am7  D7
Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.
    G            D7                Em7    G#dim          D7
But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,
               G        Em       A7             D7   Am7  D7
I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.

(Tempo Change)

Verse 1:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          D7                        G
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   D7         G
Oh me,    oh my,   
  D               A7         D  D7
I hope the little lady comes by.
I don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,
    D7                        G
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   D7        G
Oh me,    oh my,
  D               A7         D   D7
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 1:

        D7                    Am7  D7             G                B7   Em
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  A7                                          D7                        Am7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 1:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    D7                    G7
And anyone can understand why,
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          G              D7          G
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Tempo change)

Verse 2:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          D7                        G
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   D7         G
Oh me,    oh my,   
  D               A7         D7
I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....
I don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,
    D7                        G
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   D7        G
Oh me,    oh my,
  D               A7         D
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 2:

        D7                    Am7  D7         G                     B7   Em
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  A7                                           D7                      Am7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 2:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    D7                    G7  G+
And anyone can understand why,
    C                             A7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          G              D7          G
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Ukulele Solo)

Bridge 3:

        D7                    Am7  D7        G                      B7   Em
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  A7                                         D7                        Am7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 3:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    D7                    G7  G+
And anyone can understand why,
    C                             A7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          G              D7          G    D7  G
In case a certain little lady passes by.

E7    A


    A            E7              F#m7   A#dim       E7
I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think,   I look a tramp,
           A        F#m7      B7       E7        A    Bm7  E7
Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.
    A            E7                F#m7   A#dim          E7
But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,
               A        F#m      B7             E7   Bm7  E7
I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.

(Tempo Change)

Verse 1:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          E7                        A
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   E7         A
Oh me,    oh my,   
  E               B7         E  E7
I hope the little lady comes by.
I don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,
    E7                        A
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   E7        A
Oh me,    oh my,
  E               B7         E   E7
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 1:

        E7                    Bm7  E7             A                C#7  F#m
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  B7                                          E7                        Bm7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 1:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    E7                    A7
And anyone can understand why,
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          A              E7          A
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Tempo change)

Verse 2:

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
          E7                        A
In case a certain little lady comes by.
   E7         A
Oh me,    oh my,   
  E               B7         E7
I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....
I don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,
    E7                        A
But anyhow I know that she'll try. 
   E7        A
Oh me,    oh my,
  E               B7         E
I hope the little lady comes by.

Bridge 2:

        E7                    Bm7  E7         A                     C#7  F#m
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  B7                                           E7                      Bm7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 2:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    E7                    A7  A+
And anyone can understand why,
    D                             B7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          A              E7          A
In case a certain little lady passes by.

(Ukulele Solo)

Bridge 3:

        E7                    Bm7  E7        A                      C#7  F#m
There's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,
  B7                                         E7                        Bm7
I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat, 
She's not a girl like that.

Chorus 3:

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.
    E7                    A7  A+
And anyone can understand why,
    D                             B7
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
          A              E7          A    E7  A
In case a certain little lady passes by.

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