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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Fahey John - Joe Kirby Blues tab

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
From: (John Boston)
Subject: TAB: Fahey's "Joe Kirby Blues"
Date: 7 Jan 1996 17:16:03 GMT

                           Joe Kirby Blues
                            by John Fahey

John Fahey has a genius for simple beauty and this tune, from his old
Takoma LP DAYS HAVE GONE BY, is a prime example.  This was tabbed by
Dave Cohen ( and transcribed by me.

Dave suggests these fingerings (T = thumb, I = index, M = middle,
R= ring, L = little, O = open string):

Am in Part A:         D7 in Part A:        Am in Part B
3  M                  O                    5  I
3  M                  3  I                 8  L
2  I                  5  L                 O
O                     O                    7  M
O                     5  R                 O
O                     O                    O

                    John Boston

                               JOE KIRBY BLUES

   D                     E         Am     PART A                       =




D7           roll                                                     =




   F6                                             bend   Am           =
[ Tab from: ]

roll  PART A'       quick  roll then arpeggio                         =


repeat A and A' go to Part B                                          =


PART B       roll                             roll                       =

-5--5-----5---5--5--------5--|------5---5----5--7--5-- -----5--|------|

                                                   roll               =


                  roll                        E         Am            =


repeat parts A', A, B, A', A up to E chd         bend                 =



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