Guitaretab - guitar tabs
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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Extreme - More Than Words chords

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I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe
Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:-



G   Cadd9    Am7    C    D    G
G   Cadd9    Am7    C    D    G


G          Cadd9       Am7             C       D         G
Saying I love you, is  not the words I want to hear from you
G                Cadd9    Am7            C       D    Em
It's not that I want you, not to say but if you only knew
Bm7       Am7    D                G        D/F#        Em
How,   ea � sy,   it would be to show me   how   you   feel
Bm7       Am7        D7               G7               C
More than words,  is all you have to  do   to make it real
           Cm              G             Em7
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me,
      Am7                        D7
'Cos  I'd (single strum)   al - ready know(single strum)


G              D/F#           Em         Bm      C
What would you do,   if  my  heart was  torn in two
C                        G/B  Am7                 D7            G
More than words to show you  feel,    that your love for me is real
G              D/F#          Em7        Bm7    C
What would you say,    if I took those words away?
C                      G/B      Am7
Then you couldn't make things   new
        D7                                G
Just by saying,(long strum)       I love you

Music interlude

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
G      Cadd9        Am7        C           D                G

La di da    la di
G   Cadd9    Am7      C(single strum) D(single strum)  tap guitar twice   G


G             Cadd9       Am7             C          D        G
Now that I've tried to,   talk to you and make you   under - stand
G            Cadd9           Am7                 C          D        Em
All that you have to do, is Close your eyes and just reach out your hands
Bm7   Am7          D                    G      D/F#         Em
And,   touch me,  hold  me close don't ever     let    me   go

Bm7       Am7         D7          G7             C
More than words,   is all I ever needed you to  show

           Cm              G             Em7          Am7         D7     G
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me, �Cos I'd   all - ready  know


G              D/F#           Em         Bm      C
What would you do,   if  my  heart was  torn in two
C                       G/B    Am7                 D7            G
More than words to show you   feel,    that your love for me is real
G              D/F#          Em7        Bm7    C
What would you say,    if I took those words away?
C                      G/B      Am7
Then you couldn't make things   new
        D7             G
Just by saying (single strum) I love you

Music outro

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
G      Cadd9        Am7        C           D                G

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
G      Cadd9        Am7        C           D                G

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
G      Cadd9        Am7        C           D                G

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than wo --- rds  oo oo
G      Cadd9        Am7        C           D                G



A   Dadd9    Bm7    D    E    A
A   Dadd9    Bm7    D    E    A


A          Dadd9       Bm7             D       E         A
Saying I love you, is  not the words I want to hear from you
A                Dadd9    Bm7            D       E    F#m
It's not that I want you, not to say but if you only knew
C#m7      Bm7    E                A        E/G#        F#m
How,   ea � sy,   it would be to show me   how   you   feel
C#m7      Bm7        E7               A7               D
More than words,  is all you have to  do   to make it real
           Dm              A             F#m7
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me,
      Bm7                        E7
'Cos  I'd (single strum)   al - ready know(single strum)


A              E/G#           F#m        C#m     D
What would you do,   if  my  heart was  torn in two
D                        A/C# Bm7                 E7            A
More than words to show you  feel,    that your love for me is real
A              E/G#          F#m7       C#m7   D
What would you say,    if I took those words away?
D                      A/C#     Bm7
Then you couldn't make things   new
        E7                                A
Just by saying,(long strum)       I love you

Music interlude

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
A      Dadd9        Bm7        D           E                A

La di da    la di
G   Cadd9    Am7      C(single strum) D(single strum)  tap guitar twice   G


A             Dadd9       Bm7             D          E        A
Now that I've tried to,   talk to you and make you   under - stand
A            Dadd9           Bm7                 D          E        F#m
All that you have to do, is Close your eyes and just reach out your hands
C#m7  Bm7          E                    A      E/G#         F#m
And,   touch me,  hold  me close don't ever     let    me   go

C#m7      Bm7         E7          A7             D
More than words,   is all I ever needed you to  show

           Dm              A             F#m7         Bm7         E7     A
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me, �Cos I'd   all - ready  know


A              E/G#           F#m        C#m     D
What would you do,   if  my  heart was  torn in two
D                       A/C#   Bm7                 E7            A
More than words to show you   feel,    that your love for me is real
A              E/G#          F#m7       C#m7   D
What would you say,    if I took those words away?
D                      A/C#     Bm7
Then you couldn't make things   new
        E7             A
Just by saying (single strum) I love you

Music outro

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
A      Dadd9        Bm7        D           E                A

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
A      Dadd9        Bm7        D           E                A

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
A      Dadd9        Bm7        D           E                A
[ Tab from: ]
La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than wo --- rds  oo oo
A      Dadd9        Bm7        D           E                A


C   Fadd9    Dm7    F    G    C
C   Fadd9    Dm7    F    G    C


C          Fadd9       Dm7             F       G         C
Saying I love you, is  not the words I want to hear from you
C                Fadd9    Dm7            F       G    Am
It's not that I want you, not to say but if you only knew
Em7       Dm7    G                C        G/B         Am
How,   ea � sy,   it would be to show me   how   you   feel
Em7       Dm7        G7               C7               F
More than words,  is all you have to  do   to make it real
           Fm              C             Am7
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me,
      Dm7                        G7
'Cos  I'd (single strum)   al - ready know(single strum)


C              G/B            Am         Em      F
What would you do,   if  my  heart was  torn in two
F                        C/E  Dm7                 G7            C
More than words to show you  feel,    that your love for me is real
C              G/B           Am7        Em7    F
What would you say,    if I took those words away?
F                      C/E      Dm7
Then you couldn't make things   new
        G7                                C
Just by saying,(long strum)       I love you

Music interlude

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
C      Fadd9        Dm7        F           G                C

La di da    la di
G   Cadd9    Am7      C(single strum) D(single strum)  tap guitar twice   G


C             Fadd9       Dm7             F          G        C
Now that I've tried to,   talk to you and make you   under - stand
C            Fadd9           Dm7                 F          G        Am
All that you have to do, is Close your eyes and just reach out your hands
Em7   Dm7          G                    C      G/B          Am
And,   touch me,  hold  me close don't ever     let    me   go

Em7       Dm7         G7          C7             F
More than words,   is all I ever needed you to  show

           Fm              C             Am7          Dm7         G7     C
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me, �Cos I'd   all - ready  know


C              G/B            Am         Em      F
What would you do,   if  my  heart was  torn in two
F                       C/E    Dm7                 G7            C
More than words to show you   feel,    that your love for me is real
C              G/B           Am7        Em7    F
What would you say,    if I took those words away?
F                      C/E      Dm7
Then you couldn't make things   new
        G7             C
Just by saying (single strum) I love you

Music outro

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
C      Fadd9        Dm7        F           G                C

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
C      Fadd9        Dm7        F           G                C

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
C      Fadd9        Dm7        F           G                C

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than wo --- rds  oo oo
C      Fadd9        Dm7        F           G                C


D   Gadd9    Em7    G    A    D
D   Gadd9    Em7    G    A    D


D          Gadd9       Em7             G       A         D
Saying I love you, is  not the words I want to hear from you
D                Gadd9    Em7            G       A    Bm
It's not that I want you, not to say but if you only knew
F#m7      Em7    A                D        A/C#        Bm
How,   ea � sy,   it would be to show me   how   you   feel
F#m7      Em7        A7               D7               G
More than words,  is all you have to  do   to make it real
           Gm              D             Bm7
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me,
      Em7                        A7
'Cos  I'd (single strum)   al - ready know(single strum)


D              A/C#           Bm         F#m     G
What would you do,   if  my  heart was  torn in two
G                        D/F# Em7                 A7            D
More than words to show you  feel,    that your love for me is real
D              A/C#          Bm7        F#m7   G
What would you say,    if I took those words away?
G                      D/F#     Em7
Then you couldn't make things   new
        A7                                D
Just by saying,(long strum)       I love you

Music interlude

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
D      Gadd9        Em7        G           A                D

La di da    la di
G   Cadd9    Am7      C(single strum) D(single strum)  tap guitar twice   G


D             Gadd9       Em7             G          A        D
Now that I've tried to,   talk to you and make you   under - stand
D            Gadd9           Em7                 G          A        Bm
All that you have to do, is Close your eyes and just reach out your hands
F#m7  Em7          A                    D      A/C#         Bm
And,   touch me,  hold  me close don't ever     let    me   go

F#m7      Em7         A7          D7             G
More than words,   is all I ever needed you to  show

           Gm              D             Bm7          Em7         A7     D
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me, �Cos I'd   all - ready  know


D              A/C#           Bm         F#m     G
What would you do,   if  my  heart was  torn in two
G                       D/F#   Em7                 A7            D
More than words to show you   feel,    that your love for me is real
D              A/C#          Bm7        F#m7   G
What would you say,    if I took those words away?
G                      D/F#     Em7
Then you couldn't make things   new
        A7             D
Just by saying (single strum) I love you

Music outro

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
D      Gadd9        Em7        G           A                D

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
D      Gadd9        Em7        G           A                D

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than words
D      Gadd9        Em7        G           A                D

La  di  da,     la di   da,  di   dy   dy    dy   more than wo --- rds  oo oo
D      Gadd9        Em7        G           A                D

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