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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Everclear - Nervous & Weird tab

From the Nervous and Weird EP and the World of Noise LP
Transcribed by Dan Reynolds 

A G# G

E	      C	    G	         B
  You know I want to be the way you want me to

E      C          G			B
  Big hearted and tall enough to cover you

E	   C             G	     B
  I would break in half if you said it out

E		 C         G		     B
Loud splinter out of myself just like mercury

E		  C	      G    	     B
  I think it's better now than how it used to be

E	     C        G		   B
  You were lying in bed and I would levitate

E              C		 G		 B
  I think it's better here than where we used to be

E	    G		C	       B     E
  I wish I could go out into the Oregon sun

A G# G E					---
	To be alive in the day		   |
						   |--- Bass only, with guitar feedback
A G# G E					   |
	I'd smile at everyone   		---

I remeber you back in '83 
You were dressing insane you were my everything
You were so different from all those other girls
A bling electra in drag so cool and casually lame
I think I'm better now than how I used to be
Always nervous and weird scared most of the time
I think it's better now than how it used to be
always up in the night afraid to live in the day

Afraid to live in the day yeah
Afraid of being afraid

{solo which I don't know.  Sorry}

Bass only:


 Now  I  sit alone when you're not around
 I read aloud just to hear a friendly noise
 I see your scary dolls they always look at me
 From the corner of my eyes I see them shake their heads

Now back to bass and guitar:

You know I want to be the way you want me to
Big hearted and tall enough to cover you
You know I want to be the way you want me to
I wish I could go out just to be alive in the day
Yeah to be alive in the day
To be alive in the day

A G# G E

Sent the usual comments and whatnot to
uUniversal setprAPFLDRFILSWKSTMauxDRVrTfdrTfilpref	Tablature?
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