1- I sense there's some-thing in the wind
2- what will be-come of my dear friend?
that feels like tra-ge-dy's at hand
where will his ac-tions lead us then?
and though I'd like to stand by him
al-though I'd like to join the crowd
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/e/evanescence/174813.html ]
can't shake this feel-ing that I have
in their en-thu-si-as-tic cloud
the worst is just a- round the bend
try as I may it does-n't last
and does he no-tice my fee-lings for him
and will we e-ver end up to-ge-ther
and will he see how much he means to me
no I think not, it's ne-ver to be-come
I think it's not to be
for I am not the one