Forsaken: Dream Theatre
Tuning: CGCFAD (drop C)
/ Slide up
\ Slide down
~ Vibrato
* Squeal
h Hammer on
p Pull off
Piano Intro x4
(Instead of squeal on 7* you can harmonic on 3 (G string) which is ^)
|7/9-9--12-11-7-----7/9-9--5-4-0-----| x4
On the 3rd and 4th time, there is a guitar riff as follows:
Verse (it’s in 7/8 so be careful of timing) (| represents bar)
|------|------|------|------| x3
|2-----5-----0-------4------| x2
Repeat intro
|7/9-9--12-11-7-----7/9-9--5-4-0---4-| x4
|2-2--2-2------2-2--2-2-----2-2--2-2-------2-2--2-2--2--| x2
[ Tab from: ]
Not really what happens, but close... John shreds a little here and I can’t work it out...
|2-----5-----0-------4------| x2
Solo: I have got the first bit, but not the shredding... Sorry!
Then it shreds... SORRY! Figure it out by yourself.
Chorus x4
|7/9-9--12-11-7-----7/9-9--5-4-0-----| x4
Please be nice... This is only my second tab. If any queries; my email is .