This is what I think the intro chords and bass sound like
If you have a better one I'd like to hear it :)
x- mute
~- let ring
h- hammer on
p- pull out.. I mean off. pull off.
[ Tab from: ]
Eb |-----------------------------(2h3p)x7--------------||
Bb |--7-----------------------0------------------------||
Gb |--0-----------------------0------------------------||
Db |--x-----------------------x------------------------||
Ab |--7-----------------------3~~-3-3---3--------------||
Eb |--0~~-0-0---0-0---0-0---0-------------0---0-0---0-0||
and dis is the other part
Eb |---7-7-5-7-5-3-5-5-3---3--||
Bb |-5-------------------5---5||
Gb |--------------------------||
Db |--------------------------||
Ab |--------------------------||
Eb |--------------------------||