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Home / D / Dio / Push tab

Dio - Push tab

FTH95:C G D A E B ; Generated by Fast Tab, do not erase
From            : Rodrigo "Guitarrista Etiqueta Negra" Espich�n
Artist          : Dio
Bass Performance: Push
Comments:       : Here is MY second version of the song "Push" by DIO, because my other
first version was very crap.
 It�s a very cool song. I hope you enjoy.
 Any comments, anyhting, Please e-mail me at

Strings: B ,E ,A ,D ,G ,C (i think. Or try Dropped D Tuning)
Symbols explanations:
  H: hammer on  P: pull off
  \: slide up   /: slide down
  --x~~x~~x: triplets
  pm (.): palm mute
  ph: pinch harmonic 
  ^ : bend
  (): suggested note

 Volume swells (enters and then fades)
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pm



|-------------------------- --------|

|-------------------------------| end intro

Verse riff:

You�ve riding on a carrousel.. 

(with flanger)
So you know the feeling as the ring slips through your fingers

                          let ring

Sometimes you justify it

but there�s a sword and you�re bleeding once again

                          Before you�re in the corner

   can�t crawl away

   Here�s  a  way  to  save you                     you�ve gotta

  push                     get out of my way we�ll

  push                    you can turn the wheel

  push                         one more
|----------------------------- -|
     You�re the master of the broken hearth

  So you know the feeling  as your soul starts going under

                          sometimes you rectify it
[ Tab from: ]
  then  out  of  the  blue  the  hammmer  falls  again

                          Before you�re in the corner

can�t sail away

   Here�s  a  way  to  save you          you�ve gotta

  push     bring the body down   ooohh

  push                    out of my way we�ll 

  push                         you�d better
|----------------------------- -|

SOLO:           "these are 12 11 and 10"





 								    you�ve gotta 
|-12h14^ ^ ^ ^ ^-------------------------------------------------17^--|

  push     hands against the wall   and

  push                    out of my way we�ll 

   push                 you can turn the wheel
                         go on and 



Repeat till the song fades out.

That�s the whole song. I didn�t know the outro solo but this will help a lot. 
I hope you enjoy!!!!!


Rodrigo "Guitarrista Etiqueta Negra" Espich�n
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