Kinda surprised this has not been tabbed yet. This is the first tab I've
ever posted here. It may be shaky at spots but I think it sounds pretty
good. Both guitars use some distortion, the lead more than rhythm. You
could easily get by just using some overdrive on your amp.
I've included two different phrasings for several of the lead sections.
Both are the same but one is based more closely around a standard scale;
the other is probably a little thinner and will sound better on certain
equipment. Pick whatever one better fits your style, sound, hands, etc.
Rhythm plays main progression throughout, except during bridge and breakdown.
The strum pattern is subtly tricky if you listen closely to the song. It's
difficult to tab out, but here it is. Focus mainly on your lower three or
four strings when playing rhythm. E and B strings are only faintly heard at
Main progression (verse and chorus)
|-12-12-12-x-x-12-12-12/13-13-13-x-x-x-8-8-x-----------------| x4
Bridge- Played after most chorus sections. These are difficult to hear.
These might be off, and might just be power chords
Lead guitar
verse 1 - lead remains silent until the last chord
Verse 2 - lead and rhythm both play main progression
|-12-12-12-x-x-12-12-12/13-13-13-x-x-x-8-8-x-----------------| x4
[ Tab from: ]
rest one bar or play rhythm, then
Then end on (as verse starts)
Silent for two bars
During last bar of verse 3
Rest one measure
|-7-----7b8-6h7----------------------------------------------| x2
Half-bridge (This is the best way I can think of to describe it)
One bar of the main chord progression (rest or play rhythm)
Chorus again, but rhythm guitar kicks on distortion pedal and strums all
chords instead of muting as lead plays
And then
Breakdown (end)
Obligatory links to band and label pages:
Any suggestions or corrections, hit me up.