Decapitated - Sensual Sickness - Solo
Tuned to C# Standard
/ = Slide
* = Pinched Harmonic
b = bend
r = release
p = prebend
Prefixes in parenthesis () represent the bend value
i.e. (1/2)b means half bend, and (1/2)br(1/4) means half bend, then release to a quarter bend.
Notes in brackets are sustained notes []
|--------------------------------11-12-14-----------| 2x
----15-|----15-----15------15--| 4x
This part is the same as the last, but a minor 3rd higher
-/18----18-|----18-----18-------18-| 4x
[ Tab from: ]
You're going to move a bit faster here
If you are still confused about any notation, or would like to see more decapitated solo
message me.