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Dawes - Something In Common chords

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Intro:  E A E  x2

E                A                    E
All my mornings start with the alarm clock
E                   D#dim          [ch]C#min[/ch]
Every dream gets stopped before the end
      E                A                    E            A
And with each bit I remember, the more the details run together
            E               D#dim       [ch]C#min[/ch]   Bbdim
And I�m left with a message I don�t understand
           E               B                E  
I�ve lost contact with the great beyond again

         C#m                         [ch]G#min[/ch]
And as I stare over my breakfast and out into the street
  B7                                  D       A
I find that sorrow I�ve been chasing way too often
          C#m                                       G#m
That the man that stands in front of you is not the sum of all his dreams
          A                    E          A
But I�m hoping they�ve got something in common
              A              E           A
Yeah, I�m hoping they�ve something in common

     E               A                 E
The way that love attacks and then surrenders
       E               D#dim              C#m
The things I mean the most when I say her name
          E                 A            E                 A
And if he ever speaks of me casually, I hope he does so carefully
                  E                 D#dim          C#m  Bbdim
�Cause when you�ve loved somebody, everything�s to blame
        E                 B              E
And I don�t want her to ever feel ashamed
[ Tab from: ]
     C#m                             G#m  
But all my best kept secrets are the ones I didn�t know I had
      B7                      D  A
So I couldn�t even tell her if I wanted
         C#m                                  G#m  
That the way that she remembers me is not the way I really am
         A                   E               A
But I�m hoping they�ve got something in common 
         A                   E             A
I�m hoping they�ve got something in common

     Bbdim              D#dim         C#m  
 I�m hoping they�ve got something in common.

           E7     D      Dm

     A             D           A
So I feel like a man behind a camera
         A                [ch]B#dim[/ch]          F#m
Who waits patiently for something he won�t see
           A              D                A               D
I need to stop giving suggestions and just illuminate the questions
A                     [ch]B#dim[/ch]      F#m  D#dim 
That seems much more accurate to me
    A                  E            A  
To keep the frame as wide as it can be

      F#m                                         C#m
Cause all the love and friends and happiness that ever came my way
E7                              G        D
Revealed themselves the moment I stopped watching
               F#m                                C#m
Cause it�s not faith that comes from miracles, but miracles that come from faith
          D                     A             D
And I�m sure that they�ve got something in common
     D                  A                D
I know that they�ve got something in common
D#dim                  [ch]B#dim[/ch]          F#m   
I know that they�ve got something in common

A7  Dm   A
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