Band: Crotchduster
Album: Big Fat Box Of Shit
Song: The True Nature Of Williams
. - palm mute / - slide up to
\ - slide down to x Staccato
h - hammer on p - pull off
, - slight palm mute () - ghost note, sustained note
" - tremolo note <> - Trill
L left channel only R right channel only
* - see comment
Suffixes for bend
f - full bend h - half bend
q - quarter bend t - tap bend
^ - Hold bend r - release bend
~ - vibrato bend
Suffixes for harmonic
ph - pinched harmonic n natural/artificial harmonic
Electric guitar tuning: A D A D G B E
12-string acoustic guitar tuning: E A D G B E
Riff 1 (0:00) play 4 times
. . . . . .
Riff 2 (0:28) play twice
. . . . . . .
[ Tab from: ]
Fill 1 (0:41)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Riff 3 (0:44) play twice
|------------------------------------------------| CLEAN
Riff 4 (0:57) play twice
Note: Sounds like its being strummed listen closely, its not!
|=2==2==2==2=0==0==0==0=4==4==4=5==6==6==6==6==6==| 12 STRING
|=0==0==0==0=2==2==2==2=5==5==5=6==7==7==7==7==7==| ACOUSTIC
Fill 2 (1:10)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Riff 5 (1:12) play 4 times
. . . .
Sorry to do this in two tabs, but these Latin-sounding riffs are absolutely impossible
to hear. (1:32)
Riff 7 (1:57) play 8 times
Riff 8 (2:07) play twice
|=2==2==2=2==2==2=2=2=2=2==2==2=2==2==2=2=2=2==| 12 STRING
|=2==2==2=2==2==2=2=2=2=2==2==2=2==2==2=2=2=2==| ACOUSTIC
Fill 1 x 1 (2:19)