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Cole Porter - Night And Day chords

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Great jazz standard. Was asked for the chords so here they are.

For the downward progression in the line "Whether near to me or far, etc." I'd 
recommend starting with the Gbm7b5 up around the 9th fret. As opposed to way down 
on the 2nd and then switching when you go to the Ebdim7. But that probably goes without saying.

Leading into the Dm7b5 with a Dbm7b5 works quite nicely. Or a Dbdim7. Also cool.

Oh, and I think I play a G13 more often than I play a straight G7. Just sounds a little better.

Cmaj7 x35453
Dm7 x57565
Dm7b5 x5656x
Ebmaj7 x68786
Ebdim7 x67575
Em7 x79787
Fm7 x8(10)898
Gbm7b5 x9(10)9(10)x
G7 3x343x
G13 3x345x
[ Tab from: ]
          Dm7b5  G7           Cmaj7
Night and day     you are the one
     Dm7b5           G7                Cmaj7
Only you beneath the moon or under the sun
        Gbm7b5        Fm7      Em7               Ebdim7          
Whether near to me or far it's no matter darling where you are
  Dm7           G7       Cmaj7
I think of you   day and night

          Dm7b5  G7         Cmaj7
Night and day     why is it so
          Dm7b5           G7                 Cmaj7
That this longing for you follows wherever I go
       Gbm7b5            Fm7         Em7           Ebdim7    
In the roaring traffic's boom in the silence of my lonely room
  Dm7           G7       Cmaj7 
I think of you   day and night

          Ebmaj7        Cmaj7
Night and day under the hide of me
           Ebmaj7                              Cmaj7
There's an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me
         Gbm7b5           Fm7
And this torment won't be through
          Em7             Ebdim7              Dm7
Until you let me spend my life making love to you
G7        Cmaj7 
  Day and night
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