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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Cilla Black - Liverpool Lullaby The Mucky Kid chords

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Words: Stan Kelly

Intro : Bm

Bm           F#    Bm
Oh you are a mucky kid,
           G       F#  Bm
Dirty as a dustbin lid.
                  F#         Bm
When he hears the things you did,
       G     F#             Bm
You'll get a belt from your Dad.

G                Bm
Oh you have your father's nose,
           F#     Bm        B
So crimson in the dark it glows,
G                             Bm
If you're not asleep when the boozers close,
       G     F#             Bm
You'll get a belt from your Dad.

Bm                  F#    Bm
You look so scruffy lying dur
                    G         F#   Bm
Strawberry-jam tarts in yer hair,
                        F#        Bm
Though in the world you haven't a care
    G      F#     Bm
And I have got so many.

G                     Bm
It's quite a struggle every day
       F#      Bm        B
Living on your father's pay,
G                    Bm
The bugger drinks it all away
      G       F#      Bm
And leaves me without any.

[ Tab from: ]
Bm -> Cm

Cm                   G       Cm   
Although we have no silver spoon,
                G#     G     Cm
Better days are coming soon
                    G      Cm                    
Now Nelly's working at the Lune
    G#        G       Cm       
And she gets paid on Friday.

G#                    Cm
Perhaps one day we'll have a splash,
            G       Cm        C
When Littlewoods provide the cash,
G#                      Cm
We'll get a house in Knotty Ash
    G#        G     Cm   
And buy your Dad a brewery.

Cm -> C#m

C#m          G#    C#m
Oh you are a mucky kid,
           A       G#    C#m
Dirty as a dustbin lid.
                  G#         C#m
When he hears the things you did
       A     G#             C#m
You'll get a belt from your Dad.

A                 C#m
Oh you have your father's face,
               G#   C#m       C#
You're growing up a real hard case,
A                      C#m                       
But there's no one can take your place,
   A       G#          C#m      
Go fast asleep for yer Mammy. 
Related for Liverpool Lullaby The Mucky Kid chords