Cheech and Chong
Earache my eye
*Note*- This tab was tabbed by me and me only,
i will take full credit for this tab.
If you have any questions about this
tab feel free to email me at
Any emails that do not have the subject as Earache my eye
tab will be deleted.
Also - Its kinda sad that no one can tab out this song decently
its a simple song to tab out , not that hard.....
please enjoy.
Tuning: DGCfad
Tuning-from low to high[DGCfad]
/-slide up
\-slide down
~-let ring
[ Tab from: ]
Intro solo-00:08-00:11
Riff 1 00:12-00:22
|--6-5-4--6-5-4--9-9---6-------------------------------------------| X4
Riff 2 00:23-00:27
|-----7-9-7---------5-7-5------------------------------------------| X1
Riff 1 00:28-00:38
|--6-5-4--6-5-4--9-9---6-~-~-~-------------------------------------| X2
Riff 2 00:39-00:49
|-----7-9-7---------5-7-5------------------------------------------| X1
Riff 1 00:44-00:54
|--6-5-4--6-5-4--9-9---6-~-~-~-------------------------------------| X2
Riff 2 00:55-00:59
|-----7-9-7---------5-7-5------------------------------------------| X1
Riff 1 1:00-1:09
|--6-5-4--6-5-4--9-9---6-~-~-~-------------------------------------| X2
Riff 2 1:10-1:15
|-----7-9-7---------5-7-5------------------------------------------| X1
Riff 1 1:00-1:09
|--6-5-4--6-5-4--9-9---6-~-~-~-------------------------------------| X2
Ok so far iv given you the song step by step to the exact times
im getting tired its 4:21 am. I will give you the riffs and times of
the only other riffs in this song and then you will have the whole
song. i also sugest that you download the song or buy Cheech and Chongs
greated hits to listen to and play along with the song to hear how
things are done to the fullest.Also theres music on it but its also
funny. the version im tabbing was probly the very first version
released ever for public purchase but the other version's arnt
that much different.
Riff 3 2:03-2:15
|------------------------------------------------------------------| X2
Outro solo 2:16-2:27
|----------------------------------------------------------------- |
second half of outro solo 2:24-end
The above solo is played over riff 3 on the second time riff 3 is
played agin. After notes 10 9 12 12 that are above the notes
following are 12 11 9 played with hammer on's and pull off's
and the second half is also play with hammer on's and pull