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SONG LISTED BELOW IN VARIOUS KEYS Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ...Garry Smythe Please e mail any corrections to:- g.smythe@sky.com ========================================================================== Meloncoly Baby Chas & Dave ========================================================================== Chas & Dave sing this in the key of “ C “ ========================================================================== INTRODUCTION F Cdim C A7 Dm7 G7 C G7 VERSE 1 C A7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Dm A7 Dm Cuddle up and don't be blue. G D7 G7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, C D7 G G7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 2 C A7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Dm A7 Dm A-wait until the sun shines through. F Cdim C E7 A7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Dm7 G7 C G7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. VERSE 3 C A7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Dm A7 Dm Cuddle up and don't be blue. G D7 G7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, C D7 G G7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 4 C A7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Dm A7 Dm A-wait until the sun shines through. F Cdim C E7 A7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Dm7 G7 C C7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. OUTRO F Cdim C E7 A7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Dm7 G7 C F C Or else I shall be melancholy too. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION G Ddim D B7 Em7 A7 D A7 VERSE 1 D B7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Em B7 Em Cuddle up and don't be blue. A E7 A7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, D E7 A A7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 2 D B7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Em B7 Em A-wait until the sun shines through. G Ddim D F#7 B7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Em7 A7 D A7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. VERSE 3 D B7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Em B7 Em Cuddle up and don't be blue. A E7 A7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, D E7 A A7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 4 D B7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Em B7 Em A-wait until the sun shines through. G Ddim D F#7 B7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Em7 A7 D D7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. OUTRO G Ddim D F#7 B7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Em7 A7 D G D Or else I shall be melancholy too. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION A Edim E C#7 F#m7 B7 E B7 VERSE 1 E C#7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, F#m C#7 F#m Cuddle up and don't be blue. B F#7 B7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, E F#7 B B7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 2 E C#7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; F#m C#7 F#m A-wait until the sun shines through. A Edim E G#7 C#7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, F#m7 B7 E B7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. VERSE 3 E C#7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, F#m C#7 F#m Cuddle up and don't be blue. B F#7 B7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, E F#7 B B7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 4 E C#7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; F#m C#7 F#m A-wait until the sun shines through. A Edim E G#7 C#7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, F#m7 B7 E E7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. OUTRO [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/c/chas-and-dave/335573.html ] A Edim E G#7 C#7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, F#m7 B7 E A E Or else I shall be melancholy too. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION Bb Fdim F D7 Gm7 C7 F C7 VERSE 1 F D7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Gm D7 Gm Cuddle up and don't be blue. C G7 C7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, F G7 C C7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 2 F D7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Gm D7 Gm A-wait until the sun shines through. Bb Fdim F A7 D7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Gm7 C7 F C7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. VERSE 3 F D7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Gm D7 Gm Cuddle up and don't be blue. C G7 C7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, F G7 C C7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 4 F D7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Gm D7 Gm A-wait until the sun shines through. Bb Fdim F A7 D7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Gm7 C7 F F7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. OUTRO Bb Fdim F A7 D7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Gm7 C7 F Bb F Or else I shall be melancholy too. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION C Gdim G E7 Am7 D7 G D7 VERSE 1 G E7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Am E7 Am Cuddle up and don't be blue. D A7 D7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, G A7 D D7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 2 G E7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Am E7 Am A-wait until the sun shines through. C Gdim G B7 E7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Am7 D7 G D7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. VERSE 3 G E7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Am E7 Am Cuddle up and don't be blue. D A7 D7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, G A7 D D7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 4 G E7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Am E7 Am A-wait until the sun shines through. C Gdim G B7 E7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Am7 D7 G G7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. OUTRO C Gdim G B7 E7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Am7 D7 G C G Or else I shall be melancholy too. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION D Adim A F#7 Bm7 E7 A E7 VERSE 1 A F#7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Bm F#7 Bm Cuddle up and don't be blue. E B7 E7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, A B7 E E7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 2 A F#7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Bm F#7 Bm A-wait until the sun shines through. D Adim A C#7 F#7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Bm7 E7 A E7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. VERSE 3 A F#7 Come to me, my melancholy baby, Bm F#7 Bm Cuddle up and don't be blue. E B7 E7 All your fears are foolish fancies, may - be, A B7 E E7 You know dear, that I'm in love with you. VERSE 4 A F#7 Every cloud must have a silver lining; Bm F#7 Bm A-wait until the sun shines through. D Adim A C#7 F#7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Bm7 E7 A A7 Or else I shall be melancholy too. OUTRO D Adim A C#7 F#7 Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Bm7 E7 A D A Or else I shall be melancholy too. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |