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SICK CITY - CHARLES MANSON Throughout the song the strumming is pretty fast with the exception of the first "verse" where there mostly are single strums. This song is in D STANDARD tuning, and all the chords are relevant to this. Bm: Em: A A(bar) Bm(bar) x x x 5 7 x x 0 5 7 4 0 2 6 8 4 2 2 7 9 2 2 0 7 9 x 0 x 5 7 If you want, add a couple of hammerons/ pulloffs on the 3rd and 5th fret of the lower E string while strumming the Em to make it sound more like Mansons origional recording. Intro: Em A Em Em Restless people A From a sick city Em burnt their houses down A To make the sky look pretty Em A What can I do, I'm just a person Em A This is the line we always seem to hear [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/c/charles-manson/375906.html ] Em A You just sit, things get worse Bm A Em And watch TV and drink your beer Em Walking all alone A Not going anywhere Em Walking all alone A Nobody seemed to care Em Restless as the wind A This town is killing me Bm A Bm(/A) Em Got to put an end to this restless misery Em A(bar) I'm just one of those restless people Bm(bar) A(bar) Can never seem to be Bm(bar) A(bar) satisfied With living Bm A in this sick old sick old Em Sick city Em A It may be too late for me to say goodbye Em And I might be too late A To watch this sick old city die Em Going on the road A Yeah I'm gonna try Bm A Bm A To say sick city so long goodbye Em And die ![]() |