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Casting Crowns - Set Me Free chords

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Casting Crowns

Set Me Free
Intro: C#m A F# C#m

Verse 1:
C#m                        A                       F#          
It hasn't always been this way I remember brighter days, before the
                C#m                                       C#m 
dark ones came, stole my mind, wrapped my soul in chains. Now I live
          A                           F#                          
among the dead, fighting voices in my head, hoping someone hears me 
crying in the night and carries me away!

Chorus 1:
        A         C#m                    A                         F#
Set me free of the chains holding me! Is anybody out there hearing me?
Set me free!
[ Tab from: ]
Verse 2:
C#m                         A                           F#
Morning breaks another day, finds me crying in the rain. All alone with
             C#m                                 A
my demons I am. Who is this man that comes my way? The dark ones 
                        F#                                  C#m
shriek, They scream His name! Is this the One they say will set the 
captives free? Jesus, rescue me!

Chorus 1

       C#m            A                              F#  
As the God Man passes by He looks straight through my eyes! And 
darkness cannot hide!

Chorus 2:
                   A              C#m                        A
Do you want to be free? Lift your chains I hold the key! All power on 
Heav'n and Earth belong to Me!

        C#m            A                  F#      C#m 
You are free! You are free! You are free! You are free.

End on C#m 

This is my first chord chart put onto a website. :D GO JESUS!
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