Tuning: A# D# G# C# F# A# D#
Pre Chorus
(After second chorus, back to variation of Beginning)
Middle Part
|--------(3x)---------||-----(1 & 3)-------|-------(2 & 4)-----------|
[gtr. 2 variation of above, added by MK combining correct bass notes by POB]
Pat Solo: (Rhythm is same as Verse)
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/c/cannibal-corpse/343782.html ]
you'll have to pick shaking the whammy here.
End Part
Tab Legend
. - palm mute
\ - slide down to
/ - slide up to
h - hammer on
t - tap
ph - pinched harmonic
^ - Hold bend
r release bend
~ - vibrato bend
() - ghost note, sustained note
" - tremolo note
b - Bend
f - full bend
h - half bend
q - quarter bend
^ - Hold bend
r - release bend