Here's the needed chords:
Em D5 D C#m C Bm A
022000 xx023x xx5777 xx4665 xx3555 224432 002220
Intro: Em..........D5...........C#m...........C
At this point, the two giutars seperate for the verses, back together on chorus.
Guitar I
-----------7---7-7---5--7--7--7--7---7--7-7-| (Death come sweep'n through the
-----------8---8-8---5--8--8--8--7---8--8-8-| hallway...
--------------------------------------------| a ladie's dress)
--------------3---3---0----3---3---0--------| Repeat number of times you think
------------------------3-------------3-----| is right
While all that is going on, Guitar II plays a melody with a PLAM MUTE.
--------------------------------------------|(...Death comes...)
Loose the mute here: (like a ladie's dress...)
--2--2-----| Repeat number of times you think is right.
A major chord strum, then back to the muted melody.
A fire of unknown origin took my baby away.
Bm C#m D C#m
[ Tab from: ]
A fire of unknown origin took my baby away!
D D5 C#m C
Order of song: Lyrics: V1: Death comes sweep'n
Intro through the hallway
Verse like a ladie's dress
Chorus Death comes driv'n
Verse Down the highway
Chorus In its sunday best.
Solo (TBT, OR TO BE TABBED) Chors: A fire of unknown origin
Verse Took my baby away.
Chorus A fire of unknown origin
Verse, Fade out Took my baby away!
V2: Swept her up and off
my wavelength, swallowed
her up.
Like the ocean in a fire,
So thick and grey(to chorus)
V3: Death comes driv'n
Death goes
There must be someth'n
There must be someth'n!
That remains. (something...
Something...)(To chorus)
That's all for now, kids-Stokely