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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Bj Putnam - Glorious chords

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by BJ Putnam
Key: A
Intro: A5, A5, A5, A5
A,   E,       F#m     D
Glo – ri  -  ous,    shout it out
A,   E,       F#m     D
Glo  - ri  -  ous   make it loud and
AE​            ​    F#m                D
Jesus we shout your name. Jesus we make your praise
A     E          D
Glo  -  ri  -  ous. You are glorious
Intrumental: D, D, F#m, F#m, D, D, A, E
D     A             Esus     F#m
My God you reign, forever and ever
D        A                  Esus
How great your name
D        A          Esus          F#m
Your love remains, forever and ever
D      A              E
You stay the same
D     A
Shout it out, shout it out if you know he’s good
E  F#m
Sing it out, sing it out for the Lord is good
D           A               E
Shout it out loud, you are glorious

2nd Instrumental: Dmaj9, C#7, F#m, D
A2;      C#7         F#m         D
Shine Jesus, you shine for all the world to see you are glorious
A2      C#7         F#m         D
Shine Jesus, you shine for all the world to see you are glorious
A2      C#7         F#m        
Shine Jesus, you shine for all the world to see
D       D                D        D
you are glorious, (you are glorious), you are glorious, (you are glorious)
D        F#m    DA E        
Oh…. Oh….  Oh… you are glorious
D        F#m    DD E/D      
Oh…. Oh….  Oh… you are glorious

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