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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE BY ONE - Billy Bragg and Wilco ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: jvwald Tab based on this video from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcwAKodQBxE Tuning: Standard Capo V G 320033 F 133211 C/G 332010 Em 022000 Am x02210 G F Em C/G x2 G F C/G Am One by one the teardrops fall as I write you G F C/G Am One by one my words come falling on the page G F C/G Am One by one my dreams are fading in the twilight G Em C/G G One by one my schemes are fading fast away G F Em C/G G F C/G Am One by one the flowers fading in my garden G F C/G Am One by one the leaves are falling from the trees G F C/G Am One by one my hopes are vanished in the clouds clear G Em C/G G One by one like snowflakes melting in the breeze G F Em C/G x2 [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/billy-bragg-and-wilco/381150.html ] Am C/G One by one my hair is turning gray G F Em One by one my dreams are fading fast away Am C/G One by one I read your letters over G F C/G G One by one I lay them all away G F Em C/G x2 G F C/G Am One by one the days are slipping up behind you G F C/G Am One by one the sweetest days of life go by G F C/G Am One by one the moments stealing out behind you G Em C/G G One by one she'll come and find not you or I G F Em C/G G F C/G Am One by one I hear the soft words that you whispered G F C/G Am One by one I feel your kisses soft and sweet G F C/G Am One by one I hope you'll say the words to marry G Em C/G G One by one to one by one forever be G F Em C/G (repeat to end) ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | H hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | B Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************ ![]()