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Home / A / Autopsy / Meat tab

Autopsy - Meat tab

-AUTOPSY - MEAT from the "Acts of the UUnspeakable" CD (c) 1992 Vile Music
-Transcribed by Chris Myhre. Version 1..01 Feb 2002
-For questions, corrections, etc email  me:
-For best print edit the left/right marrgins in page setup to make the tab fit the sheet
-Tuning: two steps down (1=C, 2=G, 3=D##, 4=A#, 5=F, 6=C)
-Notation legend: h = hammer-on; p = puull-off;  = slide down; br = half-bend & release
		  ^ = semitone trill; * = see note; > = let ring

1>|gtr 1 & 2--------------x2-------------------------------------_______ ____x2-riff A-|
2>|------------------------'------------------------------------|  1    | 2   |--------|
  | gtr 3 (lead)

									    * gtr 1 joins
							   riff B1            here
  -----------__x8--------------------------x4------'------|gtr 2------->>>>>>>--------|x2
  ----------|8  |---------------------------|------'------|---------------------------|
  --------4-----|---------------------------|riff A'2-----|---------3-----2-----*-----|
[ Tab from: ]
    gtr 2
  '-riff B2------------------'-riff B3--------------------|gtr 2------------------------------|
  ' gtr 1
  '--------------------------'------------------------|gtr 1-------------------------|

  -gtr 2-----'gtr 2--------------------------------------------|gtr 2--------------------|
  -----------'-------------------------------------------------|(much distortion/noise)--|

  -gtr 1----------'gtr 1-------------------------------------------|----|
  ----------------'-----8-----------------10------------9----------|-*--| * fast slide

   gtr 1 & 2	     whole riff x3		    gtr 1 & 2
  |(w/lead)-x8------------------x2------x2-gtr 1---|------'-------------------|
  |----------'--------3rd time: x4-------'---------|------'-------------------|
  |----------'-------------------|riff B1'riff B2/3|riff A'3p2----------------|
					 ' gtr 2      >>>>>>>			 >>>>>>>
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