Song: Admission:Regret.
Band: As cities burn.
Album: Son, I loved you at your darkest.
Since theres only one other song on here by the great As Cities Burn (great job on The
that kills by the way), id figure i post the one i tabbed.
I'm trying to get more tabs, so be on the look out. Im sure this is off, but hey, its
work off of.
Note: I dont care if you post this at every tab site, just give me credit.
[Both guitars with reverb and feedback]
At the very beggining of this go-around, Cody comes in with some tremelo picked riff
I cant figure out.
You get the idea, its just that.
[ Tab from: ]
At this point its 1:08 in the song.
That a couple of times.
That a couple of times.
Thats it.