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Anvil - In Hell tab

Anvil � In Hell
                     From the Album 'Still Going Strong'
              Copyright 2002, Massacre

.  - palm mute                  ph    - pinched harmonic
/  - slide up to                ah    - artificial harmonic
  - slide down to              th    - tap harmonic
~  - vibrato                    hr    - natural harmonic
h  - hammer on                  b     - bend
p  - pull off                      Suffixes for bend
t  - tap with finger                    f - full bend    h - half bend
"  - tremolo picking                    r - release      t - tap bend
X  - percussion mute                    p - pick when bent
>  - accented note                 Prefixes
() - ghost note, sustained note         p - pre-bend     w - use bar
*  - see comment                        d - don't pick start of bend

Tune Gtr to D

In Hell

Riff A
|----------------------7-6-2--|--7---7---6-2--------------------------| I
  . .           . .
After two times second guitar enters with same riff.

Riff B, both guitars
  .        .         .

Riff C
|-----------------------------------------------7---6-2--------------| I
[ Tab from: ]
|-----------------------------------------------7---6-2--------------| II

After this guitar two goes higher:
|-4-4-2h4-7-6h7p6---4-4-2h4---------7--------------------------------| II

Riff D, both guitars. Second one enters later.

Riff E, both

Riff F, both
              ���     ..

Riff G. Basically riff F with this addition after slides :
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