tuning is drop d
Intro (guitar 1)
|-------------------------------------------| palm mute the E string throughout
|-------4-3-4-------6-5-6-------4-3-4-3--5--| on the second part guitar 2 doubles up
|-0-0-0-------0-0-0-------0-0-0-------3--5--| the open E notes
Intro solo (guitar 2) (guitar 1 plays intro)
Verse (both guitars)
|-------------------------------------| palm mute the E string throughout except the
|-------------------------------------| power chords
pre-chorus (both guitars)
|-------------------------------------------| palm mute the E string throughout
|-------4-3-4-------6-5-6-------4-3-4-3--5--| on the second part guitar 2 doubles up
|-0-0-0-------0-0-0-------0-0-0-------3--5--| the open E notes
play pre-chorus twice
chorus (both guitars)
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/a/annihilator/101910.html ]
solo 2 (guitar 2)
repeat verse, pre-chorus and chorus
solo 3 (guitar 2)
bridge (both guitars)
play bridge twice
solo 4 (both guitars?)
|----------------------8----------------------------| * next part on base
|-5-4--2---------| *if you want to play it like this with clean guitar it sounds similar
repeat verse part 2, chorus and fade out with a solo, sorry its late and i dont have
to figure it out