Guitaretab - guitar tabs
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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Alley Life And Black Planet - Out With The Old In With The New tab

ok i dont know all of this song but i have worked out the main riff and the chorus and 
if you want 2 complain, do it yourself!!! :D

intro/main riff
[ Tab from: ]
|-----------------|                |---------------------------|
|-----------------|                |---------------------------|
|--4-4-4-X--------|     X3  Then   |--4-4-4-X---------9-9-9-9--|
|--4-4-4-X-4-X-5--|                |--4-4-4-X-4-X-5---X-X-X-X--|
|--2-2-2-X-4-X-5--|                |--2-2-2-X-4-X-5---7-7-7-7--|
|----------2-X-3--|                |----------2-X-3------------|



When i know the prechorus i will update!!!