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Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe Please e - mail any corrections to:- g.smythe@sky.com =========================================================================== Super Trouper - Abba ABBA SING THIS IN � C � C Csus4 C Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Csus4 C G But I won't feel blue Dm G7 Like I always do C 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you SHORT INSTRUMENTAL C Am Dm G7 C Em I was sick and tired of everything Dm G6 G When I called you last night from Glasgow C Em All I do is eat and sleep and sing Dm G6 G Wishing every show was the last show F C So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming F C Suddenly I feel all right F C And it's gonna be so different G7sus4 G7 When I'm on the stage to night Tonight the C Csus4 C Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Csus4 C G Shining like the sun Dm G7 Smiling, having fun C Feeling like a number one Tonight the Csus4 C Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Csus4 C G But I won't feel blue Dm G7 Like I always do C 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you SHORT INSTRUMENTAL C Am Dm G7 C Em Facing twenty thousand of your friends Dm G6 G How can anyone be so lonely C Em Part of a success that never ends Dm G6 G Still I'm thinking about you on-ly F C There are moments when I think I'm going crazy F C But it's gonna be alright F C Everything will be so different G7sus4 G7 When I'm on the stage tonight Tonight the C Csus4 C Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Csus4 C G Shining like the sun Dm G7 Smiling, having fun C Feeling like a number one Tonight the Csus4 C Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Csus4 C G But I won't feel blue Dm G7 Like I always do C 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you F Am So I'll be there when you arrive Dm G C The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive G F And when you take me in your arms Dm A7 And hold me tight Dm G7sus4 G7 I know it's gonna mean so much tonight Tonight the C Csus4 C Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Csus4 C G Shining like the sun Dm G7 Smiling, having fun C Feeling like a number one Tonight the Csus4 C Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Csus4 C G But I won't feel blue Dm G7 Like I always do C 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX D Dsus4 D Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Dsus4 D A But I won't feel blue Em A7 Like I always do D 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you SHORT INSTRUMENTAL D Bm Em A7 D F#m I was sick and tired of everything Em A6 A When I called you last night from Glasgow D F#m All I do is eat and sleep and sing Em A6 A Wishing every show was the last show G D So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming G D Suddenly I feel all right G D And it's gonna be so different A7sus4 A7 When I'm on the stage to night Tonight the D Dsus4 D Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Dsus4 D A Shining like the sun Em A7 Smiling, having fun D Feeling like a number one Tonight the Dsus4 D Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Dsus4 D A But I won't feel blue Em A7 Like I always do D 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you SHORT INSTRUMENTAL D Bm Em A7 D F#m Facing twenty thousand of your friends Em A6 A How can anyone be so lonely D F#m Part of a success that never ends Em A6 A Still I'm thinking about you on-ly G D There are moments when I think I'm going crazy G D But it's gonna be alright G D Everything will be so different A7sus4 A7 When I'm on the stage tonight Tonight the D Dsus4 D Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Dsus4 D A Shining like the sun Em A7 Smiling, having fun D Feeling like a number one Tonight the Dsus4 D Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Dsus4 D A But I won't feel blue Em A7 Like I always do D 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/a/abba/321220.html ] G Bm So I'll be there when you arrive Em A D The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive A G And when you take me in your arms Em B7 And hold me tight Em A7sus4 A7 I know it's gonna mean so much tonight Tonight the D Dsus4 D Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Dsus4 D A Shining like the sun Em A7 Smiling, having fun D Feeling like a number one Tonight the Dsus4 D Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Dsus4 D A But I won't feel blue Em A7 Like I always do D 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX F Fsus4 F Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Fsus4 F C But I won't feel blue Gm C7 Like I always do F 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you SHORT INSTRUMENTAL F Dm Gm C7 F Am I was sick and tired of everything Gm C6 C When I called you last night from Glasgow F Am All I do is eat and sleep and sing Gm C6 C Wishing every show was the last show Bb F So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming Bb F Suddenly I feel all right Bb F And it's gonna be so different C7sus4 C7 When I'm on the stage to night Tonight the F Fsus4 F Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Fsus4 F C Shining like the sun Gm C7 Smiling, having fun F Feeling like a number one Tonight the Fsus4 F Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Fsus4 F C But I won't feel blue Gm C7 Like I always do F 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you SHORT INSTRUMENTAL F Dm Gm C7 F Am Facing twenty thousand of your friends Gm C6 C How can anyone be so lonely F Am Part of a success that never ends Gm C6 C Still I'm thinking about you on-ly Bb F There are moments when I think I'm going crazy Bb F But it's gonna be alright Bb F Everything will be so different C7sus4 C7 When I'm on the stage tonight Tonight the F Fsus4 F Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Fsus4 F C Shining like the sun Gm C7 Smiling, having fun F Feeling like a number one Tonight the Fsus4 F Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Fsus4 F C But I won't feel blue Gm C7 Like I always do F 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you Bb Dm So I'll be there when you arrive Gm C F The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive C Bb And when you take me in your arms Gm D7 And hold me tight Gm C7sus4 C7 I know it's gonna mean so much tonight Tonight the F Fsus4 F Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Fsus4 F C Shining like the sun Gm C7 Smiling, having fun F Feeling like a number one Tonight the Fsus4 F Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Fsus4 F C But I won't feel blue Gm C7 Like I always do F 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX G Gsus4 G Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Gsus4 G D But I won't feel blue Am D7 Like I always do G 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you SHORT INSTRUMENTAL G Em Am D7 G Bm I was sick and tired of everything Am D6 D When I called you last night from Glasgow G Bm All I do is eat and sleep and sing Am D6 D Wishing every show was the last show C G So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming C G Suddenly I feel all right C G And it's gonna be so different D7sus4 D7 When I'm on the stage to night Tonight the G Gsus4 G Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Gsus4 G D Shining like the sun Am D7 Smiling, having fun G Feeling like a number one Tonight the Gsus4 G Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Gsus4 G D But I won't feel blue Am D7 Like I always do G 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you SHORT INSTRUMENTAL G Em Am D7 G Bm Facing twenty thousand of your friends Am D6 D How can anyone be so lonely G Bm Part of a success that never ends Am D6 D Still I'm thinking about you on-ly C G There are moments when I think I'm going crazy C G But it's gonna be alright C G Everything will be so different D7sus4 D7 When I'm on the stage tonight Tonight the G Gsus4 G Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Gsus4 G D Shining like the sun Am D7 Smiling, having fun G Feeling like a number one Tonight the Gsus4 G Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Gsus4 G D But I won't feel blue Am D7 Like I always do G 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you C Em So I'll be there when you arrive Am D G The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive D C And when you take me in your arms Am E7 And hold me tight Am D7sus4 D7 I know it's gonna mean so much tonight Tonight the G Gsus4 G Super Trouper lights are gonna find me Gsus4 G D Shining like the sun Am D7 Smiling, having fun G Feeling like a number one Tonight the Gsus4 G Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me Gsus4 G D But I won't feel blue Am D7 Like I always do G 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you ![]() |